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Hello from Guatemala!
First, a little bit about Guatemala; it’s so beautiful here! There are almost daily thunderstorms, the sun is super intense, there are mountains and volcanoes everywhere, the weather is so nice and the culture is so welcoming! It’s so beautiful and I am so amazed at all of the beauty and kindness in this wonderful country.

For our ministry we are blessed to be working with a non-profit called One Way Community here in Guatemala. One Way is an organization dedicated to improving the education, nutrition, health, recreation, and houses/living conditions here for the whole families in some of the more rural communities. We have been given the extraordinary opportunity to help them start up 2 new locations about 12 or 13 hours away from Antigua! We got to see how the organization runs in their 2 of 3 current organization back near Antigua and on the 23rd we moved (for the next month) to a little city called Poptun, Peten.

Now we’re working in 2 little community’s called Vista Hermosa and Sabeneta. We spend the first 4 hours of our day in Vista Hermosa where we do worship songs (with dances), Bible stories, games, soccer, teaching and so much more! Then we head out to Sabaneta to do it again:)
It’s been amazing and heartbreaking at the same time to see how much joy these kids have from so little. In Vista Hermosa there are no teachers so I am working with a group of about ten 3, 4 and 5 year olds learn their primary colors and numbers and in Sabeneta I am specifically helping in crafts and art! It’s been so great to be working with kids again:D

It’s physically tiring but I know that this is worthy work and our ministry partners have been so amazing with helping translate for us, being so selfless, caring for us, teaching us and in general being awesome people.
We’ve been here less than a week but it’s been so amazing to me to see how the Lord is working in these places, kids, parents, the hosts, my team and I.
Please continue to pray for these communities and our team as we continue to serve the communities of Poptun, Peten.
Love, Jordan


9 responses to “Guatemala & Ministry”

  1. Short and sweet! In just 4 paragraphs, I am able to pick up on your love for these kids and this place. Thank you for sharing! Cannot wait to hear so much when we next talk! Thank you for your yes Jordan!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your life. I’m so glad that you’re finding such joy and fulfillment working with these two communities. Keep shining! Be who you are for Gods glory. Love you and we’re proud of you. Dad &!Mom

  3. Jordan-YES and AMEN

    No one in any blog has packed so much pertinent information into Such a perfect sized update.
    From praise and worship all the way to the newer location in poptun Peten.
    Jesus himself said,” Do not prevent the children from coming to me for such is the Kingdom of God.” What a cool variety of things your using to allow them to experience the tangible love of Christ and that they truly matter and that God is anything but boring , He’s AWESOME and Crazy in Loving pursuit of their hearts.

    “For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”
    ??1 Corinthians? ?9:19, 22-23? ?ESV??

    Proud of ya Jordan

  4. I’ll be praying God continues to use your gifts of working with the sweet kiddos- and that He will give you perseverance for long days! He is worthy & your ministry is evidence of that!

  5. I love how much you are enjoying working with the kids and planting your Jesus seeds throughout their life. The first ministry I had in Guat was with kids and the Holy Spirit spoke to me a lot about what his character is like in being patient, quiet, soft and kind with those sweet babes. I’m sure you’re feeling the same. I think it’s sweet to get to work with children out of the gate. It’s like God is saying “first let me teach you to be like a child.” Good stuff sis! God Speed!

  6. Jordan thats is so awesome how God is working and using you. It must be a privilege to teach the children.


  7. Enjoyed reading your update! Sounds like the perfect fit for you working with the little ones! Prayers for you and for the ministry!:)

  8. Jordan!!! I am so glad to read this blog!! You love people so well and it was so sweet to see you thrive in Children’s ministry here at the AIM base, so I’m confident that the Lord is using you to impact so many kiddos in Peten! Praying that God would give you strength, joy, and patience to continue pressing into ministry! Love you!!! In your corner.