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Hello from Antigua, Guatemala! We’ve been in the country for 6 days and it’s been amazing! But more on that a little bit later!
For now, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that has helped make this possible! I am officially fully funded!
It has been such a blessing to see how the Lord has provided for me. Going into this I can tell you that the total I needed to make (18,700!) was so daunting! But I’ve only come to see the Lord working through everyone around me that has donated and been such a support to me in this adventure:D
If you’d like to continue supporting us on this mission trip my friends Joanna Quintana and Sarah Dodd are so close to their goals! They have been such rays of positivity and friendliness and I know that the Lord is doing GREAT things through them:) you can find their blog links below at &
Please feel free to subscribe to their blogs as well as anyone on our squads too! Most of them have different ministry opportunities than me but I know that they are all going to see the Lord work in different ways and I can’t be more excited! 



13 responses to “Fully funded!”

  1. Keep pressing on and be where your feet are!!! And thank you for sharing Sarah’s and Joanna’s blog info… I guess they’re like sisters to you! ??????

  2. Yay God! You are fully funded! He has such great plans for you. This is just the start of the beautiful story He is writing.

  3. YAY JORDAN! cant wait to see how God is going to use you! Thank you so much for your kind words, love doing this journey with you!!! MISS YOU

  4. Right on Jordan!

    Some of the saddest words in the Bible, “you have not because you ask not. “Way to be unapologetically straight forward in allowing people to enter into the fruit of your labors. Some till the soil, some plant some water, but God gives the increase!
    I know God will be faithful. David said, “I Was young and now I am old, I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. “

  5. Right on Jordan!
    God is so faithful and true! David said, “I was young and now I am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread bread. “So kind of you and big hearted to mention your other two squad mates and their needs.
    Appreciate ya sister and love your God-Attitude

  6. How awesome J.
    I can’t become to imagine the amazing things you must be experiencing! So happy to read your update.

    We are thinking of you and praying for you!

    Val & Family

  7. I’m so excited for you Jordan! Grateful for God’s provision and the many family and friends that helped you get there.

  8. Congrats! Wow you are FULLY FUNDED. What a wonderful feeling knowing God is DEFINITELY interested in you being here sis. So happy you are ours! And such a sweet thing to help your squad mates fund raise too!

  9. Fully funded!!! That is great news Jordan! Keeping up with your progress, projects and where exactly you are is fantastic with this blog. Looking forward to….everything for you! XOXO

  10. Glory, Glory Halleluia!!! Fully funded now to continue with the knowledge that you have enduring support and love to sustain you as you work with your mission team to fulfill your ministry! Yes, sister love will prevail. Love, your Nonnie

  11. Woohoo! Glad you’re here, and grateful for those that have come along on the journey with you through their financial support 🙂